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Linux Mobile System (LMS)

By Poresh Chandra Roy  |  7:54 PM No comments

Linux Mobile System (LMS) is a full Linux system whose support is the new USB Flash Memory Drives. The intention is to boot any PC with USB support with our system and therefore we will have every administration and analysis applications that we have selected, so we will not need install it. This way, always we will be able to get our Linux system ready to use in our pocket.
This project arose with the intention to study the Linux system of exhaustive way and simultaneously enjoy with it. The initial idea is to fuse two separated disciplines: the programming and the systems management. So we'll center our study in the denominated "system programming'', as much networking level as at device level (drivers).Main objectives of the project are the following ones: To initiate our Linux system from memories flash USB.
The system will be a selection of common GNU tools in every system: disk diagnosis, memory, hardware, networks monitoring tools, etc. As far as possible we'll develop new tools and/or utilities with the objective to study deeply the underlying technology. The programming languages used will be C, C++, Python and Perl, without forget the system shell scripts.
The resources minimization (disk space, memory...) isn't a functional objective of the developments. LMS's main aim is to achieve a highly specialized distribution of GNU/Linux which can carried through the USB Flash Memory Drives. Once the distribution is ready in the USB device, it can be carried in your own pocket and you can start up any PC x86 with no need to install it directly in the PC. The LMS system is aimed at the development of specific tasks such as network administration, security analysis of networks, and recovery and repair of host data, as well as all information exchange, which is what makes it different from other portable systems such as "live CD's". The main idea is to carry all the potency of Linux and our tools in our own pockets, ready to be used. In order to boost the project a very limited first version of LMS was created, which is currently available in the web site. At the moment we are developing a final LMS version which includes the following characteristics: RPM system of packages Fedora based, reconstructed in order to minimize space. The start up of the system in console or frame buffer mode in order to cover the greatest number of graphic chipset. Detection of hardware through the use of Kudzu. Making special emphasis on the detection of the greatest possible number of network cards. Kernel Linux with the latest USB subsystem in terms of stability. Start up through GRUB or also through extra floppy disk for machines which don't have USB start up through BIOS. Interactive configuration of network parameters during start up. Group of habitual utilities in integrated systems such as: Busybox, TinyX, etc, light window managers (Blackbox, lwn, WindowLab, ...). Graphic utility (PyGTK) for the preparation of the LMS system: "LMS Factory". This utility allows the automatic creation of the LMS system in the USB memory drive. It allows the selection of a variety of LMS flavors according to our needs:
- LMS only console
- LMS focused on network administration
- LMS focused on security
- LMS focused on hardware and system diagnosis. It is also possible to personalize the generated system, including the partitioning of the device to use areas of it for traditional storage. The underlying idea behind LMS of using a specialized Linux distribution in these devices of growing diffusion makes LMS a pioneer and innovative distribution versus the actual focus of traditional GNU/Linux distributions.

Author: Poresh Chandra Roy

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